You can donate online through one of the country links below. Please ensure to click on the link relevant to your tax regime.


Donors Outside of the U.S. (Non-U.S. Citizens and Taxpayers):

Please mail your cheque (payable to “K.I.D.S. IQ Project”) to the address below and include your full name, address (including country), phone number, date of birth and email. Please indicate if you would like a receipt. Note that if you are a U.K. donor/taxpayer and are requiring a receipt, then you can only donate online through our U.K. registered charity partner, GlobalGiving Foundation (see “Donate Online” on this page).

K.I.D.S. IQ Project
P.O. Box 1127, Toronto Dominion
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5K 1P2

U.S. Donors (U.S. Citizens and Taxpayers):

Donations from U.S. citizens and taxpayers are tax-deductible through our partnership with Charities Aid Foundation America (CAF America), a U.S. registered charity (registration number 43-1634280). Please mail your cheque (payable to “CAF America” with “K.I.D.S. IQ Project” written in the memo field) to the address below and complete/attach a CAF America Gift Form (please write “K.I.D.S. IQ Project Fund at CAF America” in the “Friends Fund” field on the gift form).

CAF America
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 375
Alexandria, VA, USA


If you are interested in donating by wire transfer, please email for separate wiring instructions.